•   Call Us: (0554) 410504
  •   info@asec-united.com

UCF is doing its best to uphold:

  • Environment responsibility (efficient use of resources ).
  • Economy responsibility (business growth).
  • Social responsibility (good quality of life).
  • UCF operates with firm goals in mind :

    • Protecting the environment, minimizing health and safety hazards, as well as acquainting its employees with state – of – the art techniques in casting domain.

    Thus, it carries out the following :
    - Implementing firm plans of safety control throughout the whole company,
    - Being prepared for emergencies.

    • UCF is committed to protecting and enhancing the environment and to update its practices in light of advances in technology and new understandings in health and environmental science.
    • UCF is committed to comply with all legal requirements and to implement programs and procedures to ensure compliance.
    • UCF continuously train employees to enhance understanding of environmental policies and to promote excellence in job performance concerning the environment and sustainability, UCF runs programs to minimize consumption of raw materials and energy and to minimize the environmental impact associated with its processes and products.
    • UCF procedures controlling workplace health and safety are all essential integrated part of its management systems complying with ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 international standards.
    • UCF is a company that is clearly committed to the economic growth of its society, and has relations with the society that it serves by collaborating in the creation of wealth and promoting new employment for the coming generations; it is dedicated to the sustainable development of its activity so that it is compatible with the conservation of the environment.